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A Future in Motley

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

It is hard to shake the feeling we are living in a manufactured reality and all we need to do to escape the fear of being subject to ever greater restrictions on our lives, on our movement, what we eat, what we spend our money on, and what we can say, in real life and on social media, is to just log off Twitter and go outside.

To a certain degree I think this is true. There are many weird and alarming forces at work in the world at this time, that have, no doubt, been present in the shadows for decades, at least, and that have only become noticeable over the last two years. Whether I look at Twitter or not, they are there, yet I think the internet, and social media particularly, may make these threats appear greater, more pervasive, and more threatening than they actually are.

There are certainly unpleasant people in positions of great power in the world, mostly as a result of their wealth, and many of them are connected to each other, but whether they form an evil central planning authority plotting the digital enslavement of the whole of mankind is at the least a moot point. It is just as likely that aligned interests, primarily wealth accumulation, cause similar types of people with similar aims to follow the same methods to achieve them. They may scratch each others’ backs along the way of course.

An entirely understandable aspect of the discussion of the Ukraine war, for people who have been following the damaging machinations of our ruling class closely for the last two years, was to consider to what extent this was a manufactured conflict. Whether Putin was playing along with the WEF game, helping to crash the supply chains and allow centralised digital currency, rationing, and increased control over European citizens to be introduced as a way of dealing with the consequences of war. Or if he was opposed to the WEF plans. Some made much of Vladimir Putin’s connections to the World Economic Forum and his friendships with Schwab and Kissinger, feeling that it was further proof that all the leaders of the world are focussed on the shared goal of enslaving its citizens. It is possible for people to be friends whilst not being influenced to hold the same values or take the actions such friends suggest. International politics is deeply complex, the web of influences, the push-me-pull-you of different aspects of policy and different issues make it unlikely that even just two political leaders will be able to walk side-by-side on every issue let alone a whole slew of them.

When it comes to the Ukraine war to me it seems likely it is just a matter of geopolitics and has nothing to do with Putin’s attitude, whether pro or against, the supposed New World Order being ushered in. Lockdowns, vaccinations, and vaccination passes were as much a part of Russia’s approach to the ‘pandemic’ as they were other nations’. There is nothing of significance to be read here. In the same way every nation that aspires to be developed will want to provide running water to its citizens so any leader who wants to seem capable will more or less follow what other developed nations are doing in a perceived emergency. In addition, strange as it seems to us lockdown sceptics, many inhabitants of these nations wanted such restrictions. If other nations got to have them why couldn’t they? Some leaders went down this road in part as a way to appease the masses. Of course many were not averse to the additional powers such an approach gave them and the possibility of not quite giving them all back again when the 'emergency' was over.

The response to the ‘pandemic’ has been noticeably similar all around the western world. It is plausible that leaders pulled together in the knowledge that the international financial system was about to collapse and that they all needed to agree a way to inject it with billions of dollars without alarming the general public and causing a run on the banks. Ridiculously expensive PPE acquisitions, supposedly state-of-the-art test-and-trace systems, and ultimately the vaccines themselves, allowed this huge transfer of wealth to the financial system to go more-or-less unnoticed: financial disaster averted.

The lockdowns may have served to mothball economies, as well, while measures were taken to avoid financial collapse, and the misery and frustrations of lockdowns ensured people would not question the necessity of vaccines. After all if life had been normal it would have been much harder to convince people it was necessary to spend billions on vaccines.

This does not answer why many governments subsequently became hellbent on injecting their entire populations, including small children, with this vaccine that they knew just provided a pretext for a huge wealth transfer from government coffers to the financial system. Perhaps enough had to be administered to justify the huge outlay on them. Perhaps the pharmaceutical companies, in on the fraud perpetrated by governments on their citizens, are holding those governments hostage and forcing them to purchase and administer more and more vaccines. Or perhaps universal vaccination was required in order to justify children being vaccinated and then inclusion of the vaccine on the childhood roster of immunisations which then indemnify pharmaceutical companies against liability.

The vaccine passport was perhaps another way of ensuring vaccine take-up. Clearly there are some, Tony Blair, the most devoted WEFers, the EU bureaucrats, who view digital ID as their pet project. In the US the story is different as the party of power is vehemently opposed to voter ID and so would presumably baulk at a universal digital ID which would inevitably be used for voting. It is inconceivable they would be able to introduce a privacy-destroying ID and then not use if for voting, right?! So digital ID is presumably off the table in the US. Admittedly some states, Republican strangely, have introduced vaccine passports but in this instance they may be viewed as breaking down the resistance to voter ID - tangled webs!

Many nations, almost all the western ones and even developing nations, are talking about Central Bank Digital Currency. This coupled with digital ID has a potential for total control that is, after a couple of whiskies, alarming, and when stone-cold-sober, terrifying. However, as one of my favourite substack authors writes, when has central planning ever worked out? Clearly we don’t want to go through fifty years of famine and gulags before our leaders remember central planning does not work, but I would venture that enough people are alive to the corruption around us and the dangers of digital ID and centralised digital currency that even if such total control was in the sights of our overlords they will struggle to get it past the increasingly wide-awake citizenry.

Furthermore, whilst in the UK considerably less cash was taken out of cash machines daily during the pandemic than before, according to Link. A study by the Royal Society of Arts Cash Census, found one in five Britons would struggle without cash. Around ten million people in the UK regularly use cash for many reasons including to help them stick to a budget. Statistics such as this make it clear that it will not be a quick and simple matter to switch entire societies over to centralised digital currencies and there will hopefully be years ahead of open and transparent debate in western societies, about the dangers of such a system. We could decide not to adopt it, to use a hybrid system, or to institute a comprehensive array of legal checks and balances to make sure such a centralised digital currency can never be abused to manipulate citizens into approved modes of behaviour, or to prevent them supporting political or charitable causes that may not appeal to the government. We could even decentralise the national digital currency and have it more or less beyond the control of the central banks, operating like just another type of BitCoin.

Resistance to central control does not have to be resistance to progress. Whilst I often dream wistfully of the last years of the twentieth century, it is unrealistic to expect most, or even a large minority, of us to turn back the clock in our lives. I am happy to revert to a dumb phone and carry a street map, but many will consider the inconvenience outweighs the benefits of fending off any perceived Big Brother future.

The danger lies not just in the technology itself but in people’s ignorance of what this technology can be used for. The threat of the bio-fascist state is that people will not realise their freedoms are being taken from them in the name of a bogus health threat until it is too late. Again education, knowledge, truth, discussion are the answers to that problem.

Increasingly I find hope that there are enough people in the western world who do understand what is going on. That is of course where the benefit of social media lies. It has been pretty much the only way of connecting with people who are questioning the technocratic, increasingly anti-democratic, direction western polities are taking. But we have to use it judiciously. It is a medium that functions primarily on fear and anger, and so we have to prevent ourselves from being swept away on a tide of panic even as it alerts us to some real dangers the ruling class and the mainstream media are trying to hide from us.

This direction, towards digitisation, centralisation, total control, is the fantasy of the ruling class. What Chancellor of the Exchequer has not dreamed over his or her port and cigar of the possibilities of being able to look into every citizen’s bank account to make sure they’re paying their taxes? What premiere of a nation has not fantasised of being able to cut off all funding to the opposition parties? What eco-warrior has not imagined being able to limit every citizen’s air travel?

The impulse towards centralisation and control is always there, even in democracies. Now we have the technology, almost, to make this a terrifying reality, but we can all stand in the way of this impulse.

Many leaders are feeling the same attraction of tyranny at the same time. Unaccountable government agencies and supranational organisations are flexing their muscles. The mainstream media have taken their bribes and are MIA. Mega-corporations from Meta to Disney to Pfizer are feeling the power of their vast riches.

At times it seems hopeless, but there will always be resistance: the employee who leaks a Zoom meeting of top brass talking in a way that would make 80% of ordinary people throw up in their cornflakes, or a lab technician who leaks proof of faked clinical trial data, or a programmer who leaks internal video of a CEO of a social media platform warning of the dangers of recommending an experimental vaccine to the public.

Doctors, nurses, scientists, and statisticians risk their careers and speak the truth, again and again. And there are, still, politicians with enough integrity and courage to stand up for their citizens and to speak out.

All these people have communicated the truth to millions around the world They have given those people the faith and courage to speak truth to others around them.

There are dark forces at work, but the world is a complicated place. A butterfly flaps its wings in Time Square and it rains in Beijing, or something.

Many of us have watched with a growing sense of unease as so many people around us complied with a raft of nonsensical instructions and gave up their freedoms so willingly in order to achieve, as it turned out, very little. It has been disheartening, and for many it has been an actual trauma, to realise that so few people would be able to see through such an apparent charade. However, as others in this battle have said, perhaps it has been a blessing because through this so many have woken up.

I was asleep. I did not know the extent of the corruption, or the dangers, of the pharmaceutical industry, beyond, strangely, the deaths and narcolepsy cause by Pandemrix in Sweden in 2009. However I woke up very quickly to the weirdness of what was going on. I was already fully awake and sceptical when Boris Johnson announced the first (two week!) lockdown. It was for that reason a terrifying moment (I never had a moment’s fear over the virus). As time went on I realised the pharmaceutical companies were going to flog a vaccine even though conventional wisdom was that it was impossible to vaccinate against coronaviruses because they mutate too quickly. I am now entirely cynical about the pharmaceutical industry and all its regulating bodies, I hope I never require any long-term medication in the future. I will never take a vaccine unless held down and forcibly injected, and I even view the mainstream medical profession with extreme scepticism due to their complete breach of medical ethics, over vaccination, and withholding of medical care from the unvaccinated. I do not think this makes me some illogical, conspiracy-minded aberration, I think such scepticism is the logical result of being deceived. It is the fault of the pharmaceutical companies and their regulators, not mine.

Many others have also woken up. Huge numbers of alternative media providers, podcasters, social and political commentators, and substack writers have enjoyed an incredible creative boost. This is in some ways a renaissance. As the old media dies in corruption and lies, a new media can rise from the ashes, varied, full of vitality, bursting with creative ideas for how we can move forward into this new future where ordinary people will become more engaged with the truth of the world, not the narrative manufactured by politicians, giant corporations, and the legacy media.

I hope for the future to be a bright patchwork of local communities engaged with their own governance, their own business and creative initiatives, a renewed focus on education and knowledge but with a robust emphasis on truth and freedom of speech, because only with freedom can we find the truth.

There is a really exciting future ahead of us and it does not have to include nanobots, mood chips, tracking devices, universal basic income, or total control. It can include reduced regulations, more freedoms, more speech, more small businesses. It can include locally produced food, cheap, reliable energy, schools that encourage exploration not indoctrination, health care systems with holistic practitioners, therapists, and mental health practitioners in the same building with the GPs.

We know now what we are afraid of and what we don’t want. Now we need to turn our thoughts, our minds, and our hands to making the future that we do want.

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