It seems astounding that nineteen months into the mildest ‘pandemic’ ever to blight the globe, people all over the world are still having their freedoms curtailed and being coerced, if not outright forced, into having a ‘vaccine’ and proof of said injection in order to access almost all of the normal locations of a free western lifestyle, from clothes shops to gyms.
There are reports, on social media, that seem genuine, of people in Canada, America, and the UK being denied medical treatment because they have not received a Covid ‘vaccine’. To anybody not embroiled in the narrative this is shocking. Firstly common sense determines this must be a breach of human rights and certainly illegal. Secondly we are talking about refusing health care, including it would seem transplant surgery, to people who have effectively refused a flu vaccine. Coronavirus is broadly in the realms of a flu in terms of infection fatality rate and severity of symptoms even a member of the dominant class promulgating the exaggerations and lies, Dr Jenny Harries, was reported a few days ago as saying that Coronavirus resulted in a disease about as severe as flu. So it is utterly ridiculous to deny people full participation in society because they have not been ‘vaccinated’ against Coronavirus.
I can only imagine that people who allow themselves to be subjected to the propaganda of mainstream media day after day for a year-and-a-half are just not aware of how mild this disease is, like colds and flu its effects can range from just unpleasant but harmless in the young and healthy, to deadly in the severely unwell or the very elderly with non-existent immune systems. This is entirely normal and has been true of colds and flus since the dawn of time and since the dawn of time we have accepted this and lived our lives.
So what is going on now? As the saying goes ‘it’s not about a virus’. It is clear that the amount of information and counter-information, the new ‘discoveries’, and even those pieces of information that seem to support the notion that the virus is not so deadly as generally portrayed, that lockdowns are not effective, and so on, are really all just a part of the information storm that is intended to keep us focussed on the disease, so that we do not notice what is really going on.
I think we may have to accept at this point, pulling apart the narrative of ‘cases’, deadliness, vaccine efficacy, will not help our cause. We have seen the propaganda might of the mainstream media help the disseminators of these lies, from the government health officials of nations, to their leaders, simply breeze by these inconsistencies in the narrative. No matter how mild the disease is in general and how low the infection fatality rate, those pushing the narrative will always pivot back to the fact it ‘can be’ a deadly disease (of course a paper cut can be deadly given the right conditions) and the narrative keeps on rolling. Clearly, none of these public health officials, political leaders, pharmaceutical companies, or globalist technocrats want normal to return. Devastatingly we have to acknowledge that perhaps a significant proportion of the population do not want normal to return either.
Those who are insouciant about vaccine passports, mask-wearing in perpetuity etc are a mysterious breed to me but I think I begin to understand them. Many of them will be the self-righteous, ‘woke’ lovers of technocracy. The ones who desperately wanted to stay in the EU so that their nation could be dictated to over human rights, hate speech, surveillance, monetary policy and gradually more and more aspects of daily life from not being able to smoke indoors in public spaces, to not being able to smoke within a few feet of the entrance to buildings, to probably very soon not being able to smoke outdoors in public places at all. The glories of the EU. Of course the WEF, WHO, GAVI, even departments like OSHA in America, are all undemocratic technocratic organisations that either bypass national democracies or fly under the legal systems within their countries imposing regulations that governments would struggle to pass as laws on a national level.
Here we begin to close in on the problem. Taking Brexit as an example, the pearl-clutching of the British civil servants and the, generally leftist, metropolitan elite indicated the existence of a technocratic deep-state in the UK inculcated into the grossly undemocratic ways of the European Union bureaucracy. The fact that the current Prime Minister of Italy, Mario Draghi is a former president of the European Central Bank and a technocrat of no particular party who was helicoptered in by President Sergio Mattarella, should give at the least pause for thought. Italy’s politics are notoriously chaotic but in this instance there is not even a fig-leaf of democratic process about the appointment of a Prime Minister! Commentators state explicitly that his economic qualifications are what fit him for office at a time when Italy eagerly awaits its two hundred billion euro recovery fund from the EU. The Italian government is just a branch of EU bureaucracy. Italian politics is bought and paid for by EU funding. If the Italian government had not wished to panic, lock down, mandate masks, introduce the vaccine passport, they would not have been allowed to access EU funds, which they need even in normal times, not just during a so-called ‘health emergency’.
Whilst Brexit happened (although that may be irrelevant if we end up under a New One World Order), the technocrats of the civil service are taking their revenge against the individualists who believed the UK should pursue a national course, not a European one, and certainly not a global route map. To that extent what is happening in the UK may not be a huge globalist conspiracy of the ‘cabal’, but instead the result of the civil service being overwhelmingly manned by those ‘greater good’ technocrats who see people as populations: society, not individuals. Just as public health ‘experts’ behind eugenics, mass sterilisation in the United States, and Nazi ‘racial hygiene’ in Germany in the run up to the second world war, became “physicians to the body politic”, technocrats attempting to mold society do not care for the rights, or indeed the suffering, of the individual, they care only about the direction of travel of the mass of humanity. This is the ‘tyranny of the majority’ John Stuart Mill warned against. This tyranny is here and it is in no way benign.
This technocratic octopus extends its tentacles around the globe through all the transnational alphabet soup of organisations many of us have grown to be suspicious of over the last eighteen months. But it does not stop there. These organisations share their personnel with national banks, the European bank, the World Bank and the IMF. Vaccine organisation such as GAVI, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation share personnel with each other and also with the large pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical company boards have members from banks and investment firms, the pharmaceutical companies themselves form a massive part of the economy, during this period I would argue they have been used as an engine by which to transfer vast amount of tax-payers money into the private financial sector to avert a financial crash which was looming at the beginning of 2020. A health emergency permits governments to spend vast amounts of treasury money on PPE and pharmaceuticals produced by private companies. It does not hurt that many of those politicians, all around the world receive funding from and have investments in pharmaceutical companies.
So to return to the apathy of many citizens in the face of the suspension of their rights and freedoms for so many months. There are those who are of a technocratic tendency. They like the idea of society being ordered from above. They want their fellow citizens’ behaviour to be controlled by the state within a relatively narrow frame so that the people around them are compelled to behave in a manner of which they approve. I frown upon littering and also feel irritation at the house on the street that always has a partially dismantled car on the driveway or a thicket of overgrown bushes and rubbish in the front garden, but I would not want the litterer or the possessor of the messy garden to be shut out of society until they had remedied these issues. A moderate fine for littering is acceptable, social credit demerits from a surveillance society are not.
There are others who simply are so saturated with propaganda that they think their civil liberties are being only temporarily removed due to a virus and that they will soon be returned. They have either forgotten or were never aware of previous unethical behaviour of pharmaceutical companies that resulted in harm to the health of people taking their products. These people seem to believe that pharmaceutical companies are there just for our benefit, that they are not multibillion-dollar businesses, similarly they seem unaware that the public health officials whom they think care so greatly for their health are in fact intimately entwined within those pharmaceutical companies, either having previously worked for them or hoping to work for them in the future, possessed of hugely valuable shares, which only increase in value after six months of selling billions of doses of product, and also benefiting from being ‘lobbied’ by such companies. Are ordinary citizens so hopelessly naive, are they so wrapped up in their own lives, even the strictly curtailed existences they endure at this time, that they do not see? Or is it just that to acknowledge the reality of the relationship of the pharmaceutical companies to ordinary people is just too frightening?
There are not many public health officials who will risk a boost to their personal wealth or career path in order to preserve the health of individuals they do not even know. There are numerous stories, from Governor Newsome who will not get his own daughter vaccinated to the CEO of Pfizer who was notoriously tardy in getting his own vaccination (and may not have had it even now), that show that when it comes to themselves or the ones they love, such people exercise caution about the ‘vaccines’ whilst blithely mandating them for basically the entire population of the world regardless of immunity status, age, pregnancy, religious reservations, or any other considerations.
What is clear and extremely alarming is that aspects of individual autonomy that have been respected in the past, for example religious objections to medical interventions in general, as held by Christian Scientists and Jehovah’s witnesses, objections to the use of foetal matter in the research of or production of medicines, held by many religions including of course, Catholicism, the objections of animal lovers to any medicines or cosmetics tested on animals, and more generally, the right to refuse any medical treatment or intervention on any grounds whatsoever without being required to give any further justification than that you do not want it, has been completely destroyed. During lockdowns and the response to the pandemic, other previously inviolable freedoms were unceremoniously destroyed, such as the right to visit an elderly relative or loved-one in their nursing home, the ability to be with anybody at all in hospital, friend or relative, who might need your help or support. Even women in labour were denied the support of their partners. There have been times in the past when the bonds of family and marriage have been disregarded and they are not good times. In prisons, convicted criminals are separated from their families (although they are allowed visitors), in tyrannical regimes people sent to concentration camps or gulags were separated according to gender and therefore torn from spouses and children, with total disregard for the familial or marital bond.
We are seeing as well how the bond between parents and children has been weakened. Personally I would not have allowed my children to endure an extended period of mask-wearing in school. When children went back to junior school after June half-term in the UK they were not required to wear masks, in September they were required to wear them on the school bus and in communal spaces. I exempted one of my children due to asthma (I am not sure whether exemptions would be accepted now, but they were then) my other child was new to the school and so wanted to fit in, as they did not need to wear them during lessons or at break-time I allowed that to stand. As it became clear restrictions were going to become stricter in every way on everybody in the family, and as I began to suspect vaccinations would be forced upon children should the vaccines ever be forthcoming, we left the country. It was an extreme reaction, but my kids have lived mask-free at all times, and have been in school all this time, and I do not know how I would have fared mentally trying to survive the last year and a half in the UK. Where we live now there is still the possibility that there will be digital ID and a social credit system, if this is the global agenda we may have to accept there is nowhere to hide, but if this narrative is going to fall apart in the next year or two then there is a chance we will have lived free until that moment. To be fair to parents, the news is just in that after three weeks only around ten percent of UK parents have had their children 'vaccinated'. Perhaps this is where they draw the line. There is hope.
Allowing our children to be forced to wear masks is a weakening of the bond between child and parent. Children saw first-hand that their parents were not prepared to take the risk to stand up for their freedom, parents acknowledged, however secretly, that they would allow their child to suffer in this way because they simply did not wish to rock the boat. It must be acknowledged that some people will have believed in the Covid narrative, and it must also be acknowledged that there is a complex web of forces in play around the possibility of being able to resist Covid measures that would merit an article in itself. Suffice to say fears of being thought stupid, unscientific, a conspiracy theorist stopped many from even discussing their opinions openly and honestly. There is a tragic possibility that the vast majority of people in the UK and other nations have been merely pretending to each other that they believe in Coronavirus and the restrictions whilst believing that everybody else around them is a true-believer. Coronavirus became so intensely politicised so quickly it would be a daunting task to take on your child’s school regarding mask mandates and of course a significant proportion of parents seemed to believe that their children would be at risk if not wearing masks. Many I suspect wish they had tackled the problem early in the pandemic. If as citizens we had firmer lines that we simply would not allow to be crossed, and had acted quickly, we would definitely not be in the state we are in, endlessly waiting for our lives to begin to return to normal.
The country I am living in has returned to normal, bar a few determined mask-wearers. This resumption of normal life has not been contingent on vaccination rates and vaccine passports are not even proposed, yet I am unable to be at peace, for I feel that the world’s population, whether they have felt it or not, have been under sustained attack from their governments and the global elites of whom these governments form a part. I do not want the events of the last year and more to be a concerted attempt to bring about a global technocratic dictatorship across the west (it seems at least half of the EU, Australia, New Zealand, America, and Canada would form part of this new technocratic, totalitarian super-state) but it is in my nature to try to make sense of what is happening. It goes beyond cock-ups and ass-covering, and I think must at the very least be based upon financial corruption. It could plausibly be an attempt to shore-up a failing financial system, whilst simultaneously further enriching the super-rich through a transfer of wealth from the middle-classes, small-business owners etc, to the elite. Yet this does not explain why so many global leaders are singing from the same hymn book, and operating from the same play book. From ‘build back better’ to lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and so on, the words and the deeds have matched very closely across nations and continents. And then there is the WEF.
The World Economic Forum is simultaneously barely serious and deeply sinister. Klaus Schwab himself is a singularly untalented, unprepossessing nobody, who seemed to have had the snake-oil salesman idea of setting up a forum in a luxury resort in a pleasing location that would attract high-powered people for champagne and smoked salmon receptions. It is an example of what I think of as ‘making stone soup’ based on the old fairy tale of the tramp who convinces the palace kitchen to allow him to boil a stone so that he can make soup from it. He has of course simply a pan of simmering water with a stone in the bottom, a nothing, but then he tastes his simmering water and pretends it is delicious but simply needs a pinch of salt, which is willingly supplied. He tastes it again, then requests a little chopped onion, tastes again, some herbs, tastes again, a little ham. Suffice to say before too long he is astounding all the kitchen staff with the deliciousness of his ‘stone soup’ which of course has been made with all the ingredients in the kitchen he has conned into his pan. Schwab with his hotel in its beautiful location began with a stone, and the people he attracted of various levels of power and ability were the ham and onions, the salt and the herbs to his nothing. Now he has soup and everybody wants some. Here my metaphor runs out for now I want to turn this stone soup into an octopus.
However unserious Schwab may be himself it can not be denied that countless influential people have ties to the WEF. Mark Carney, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, former Governor of the Bank of England, advisor to Boris Johnson, ‘informal adviser on policy matters’ to Justin Trudeau, and member of the Board of Trustees, WEF; Dr Leanna Wen hysterical Coronavirus hustler, CNN regular and a WEF Young Global Leader; Jacinda Ardern, former policy adviser to Tony Blair, former President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, and WEF Young Global Leader; Justin Trudeau, Young Global Leader, WEF; Scott Morrison, WEF; Macron, WEF; Devi Sridhar, director of the University of Edinburgh's Global Health Governance Programme, and WEF Young Global Leader; Chew Shou Zi from Singapore, studied in America, worked at Facebook now CEO of TikTok and WEF Young Global Leader. Angela Merkel, Sebastian Kurz, the list goes on and on. There is a vast number of WEF ‘Young Global Leaders’, whatever they are. There is also a formidable list of international organisations in ‘Strategic Partnership’ with the WEF, whatever that means: Accenture, AstraZeneca, Barclays, BlackRock, Cisco, Credit Suisse, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, Ericsson, Facebook, Google, HSBC, Huawei, IBM, Johnson and Johnson, JPMorgan, KPMG, Mastercard, Microsoft, Nestlé, Paypal, Pfizer, Procter and Gamble, Siemens, Tata Consultancy Services, Coca-Cola, UBS, Unilever, Volkswagen, Volvo, Visa, Verizon, Wellcome Trust, Zurich Insurance Group.
Of course, these individuals and companies are all, to a certain extent, making stone soup. They are not necessarily closely involved with the WEF, taking meetings with Schwab, let alone doing his, or his organisation’s, bidding around the world. It may be that they use the WEF like a higher-level, more elite LinkedIn. They attend the conferences, they mingle and network. It may be that a company of any size and aspiration, must join the WEF as a standard part of the networking process. Still the WEF does organise educational events, they inculcate individuals and organisations into the globalist agenda. For decades if not centuries the elite have met behind closed doors to stitch up everything from oil prices to higher-education fees. If only for this reason it is worth knowing who is associated with the WEF and might share this technocratic, globalist agenda. This is the agenda in which we, the ordinary people will simply give up on accumulating any wealth and possessions in this world as we are increasingly taxed not only on our earnings but our assets and our savings. In this world in which owning our own enterprises is becoming more and more difficult through economic uncertainty and red-tape barriers to entry, it is worth knowing exactly who it is who may be encouraging the movement of the world in this direction.
It is also worth noting there are a number of pharmaceutical companies on the roll including those that have produced ‘vaccines’ for the ‘pandemic’, there are also consultants like Deloitte that were paid vast sums for overseeing the testing regime in the UK. There are banks, asset managers, software and social media companies. All these forms of institutions are heavily incentivised to favour technocratic, standardised management of everything.
Ironically, whilst being horrified by this globalist agenda, I have never thought about the entire world so much as I have done over the last year and more. That must be in part because it feels suddenly, in a way it never had before, that the world is interconnected, not just through global supply chains but also politically. We may have thought we were voting for our own democratically elected governments but in fact we may have been selecting individuals from a world-wide group that broadly think the same way and share the same values. For this reason the events in other nations seem relevant to my own life in a way they never had before. I watch America with alarm. Biden may appear bumbling but he is slicing and dicing freedom and democracy in his country with surgical precision. He and his advisers have worked out exactly where to apply pressure to bring about the crumbling of resistance against vaccine mandates. It is grim to witness the determination with which Biden first morally pressured people who did not want to get vaccinated, then mandated vaccines where he could, Federal employees, companies that have Federal contracts, then pressured more private companies with fines. Like Jeffrey Tucker, I think the explanation for the vaccine mandates in healthcare, police, and military may be a purge, to make sure all who remain or join are compliant, and will be loyal to the regime. Biden's approval ratings are low, but he has approval where it counts, or at least people will go along with him, in academia, corporations, the mainstream media. He is at the centre of a maze of liberal fascism. Push-back is coming mainly from the right who see this technocratic nightmare that is approaching as an extension of everything they hate from the left: this attack on freedom is an extension of the 'woke' attack on free speech and ideas which has been gaining momentum for the last twenty years. Many may not realise the extent to which modern liberalism has its foundation in the fascism of the early twentieth century but they nevertheless instinctively feel this tyrannical tendency acutely and are fighting back. Hopefully the sheer scale of the US, citizens' engagement with their communities through churches, school boards, etc, and the long history of rough-and-tumble between Republicans and Democrats, voters and politicians alike, will mean that ultimately this totalitarian tendency will fail to gain a foothold. I can so plausibly see a world in which common sense and libertarianism could prevail in the US.
In Europe perhaps the Scandinavian nations and some Eastern European countries offer hope. These are the only nations that seem to be dissenting from the general desire of the EU to provide everybody with a Green Pass the neutral name of which suggests it will quickly become a carbon footprint or social credit ID.
So this is where we are. It was quickly understood by public health officials, governments, pharmaceutical companies and other organisations that so called Sars-Cov-2 posed no major health threat. The ensuing months and months of propaganda bombardment, constantly changing restrictions and constantly increasing vaccine pressure indicate that this is very much about something other than 'a virus'. A reanimation of the corprse of the fiat currency financial system? A huge power-grab by the elites as a prelude to pushing us down into serfdom as they use us to service their jet-setting luxurious life-styles? A devious attempt by the CCP to blow up Western economies and discredit liberal democracy to shore up their increasingly tenuous grip on their own restless population? No one person or group can know for sure. Perhaps Schwab and the WEF think they are instituting their Great Reset, even as China thinks it is destroying the West, and governments and financial institutions think they are covering up the failures of the financial system and averting a crash at least for a few years.
What we do know is that populations around the world failed to defend their freedoms, failed to stand on principles, failed to understand the dangers of allowing themselves to be too easily frightened and too quickly locked down. If we come out of this free, we must learn the lessons. There is a reason lockdown is used in prison. It simplifies the situation. It separates people from support and sources of information. It makes people feel frightened and weak. It allows the norms of interaction and everyday life to be forgotten and replaced with something entirely different. Lockdowns must never be tolerated again. If a government ever suggests a national lockdown the very next thing to do is to go out onto the street. There can never be a reason for a whole nation or even a whole state or region to be locked down. A recommendation to stay indoors in the area of a town where a gunman is on the loose and being pursued is reasonable, a nationwide curfew is not. If we had not allowed ourselves to be shut in our homes, to be made to shut down our businesses, to be shut out of society we would not be in this state now, the world would have been back to normal by June of 2020 and this 'pandemic' would just be another false alarm that in a few years we would barely remember. If only.